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Kathis Café


You are welcome to visit us Papa Rudolfo.



Mixed Salat  small € 5,20 | large € 7,90
Selection of salad | crudites | Balsamico dressing
C, G, L, M

Salat “Toskana” € 10,50
Fancy leaf salad | tomatoes | cucumber | pepper | onions | sweet corn | olives | feta cheese | Balsamico dressing
A, C, G, L, M

Salat “Nizza” € 11,50
Fancy leaf salad | tomatoes | cucumber | pepper | onions | sweet corn olives | tuna Balsamico dressing
A, D, G, L, M

Salat “Rudolfo Spezial” € 12,80
Fancy leaf salad | selection of crudités | grilled slices of turkey | bread croutons | Balsamico dressing
A, C, G, L, M

Burrata (kind of mozzarella) € 9,90
Basil pesto | cucumber | tomatoes | olives | roasted white bread | dressing Tuscan style, A, C, G, L, M

Pizza Pane € 4,20
Pizza bread with garlic and cheese – the perfect side dish to a delicious salad, A, G

Dishes for children

Please ask our team, it is a pleasure to arrange smaller dishes (except pizza and burger)

Pasta & Meat

Spaghetti “Pomodore” € 8,50
Delicat tomato sauce with fresh herbs | shaved Parmesan
A, C, G, O

Spaghetti “Basilikum” € 8,90
Homemade basil pesto | shaved Parmesan
A, C, G, H

Spaghetti aglio e olio (leicht scharf)  € 8,90
Olive oil | garlic | chilli | olives | cherry tomatoes | parsley | Parmesan
A, C, G

Spaghetti Bolognese  € 9,90
100 % Austrian beef | shaved Parmesan
A, C, G, O, L

Spaghetti all’Amatriciana nach Rudolfo Art € 11,90
Spaghetti gratin | salami | bacon | ham | tomato sauce | curry | onions | garlic cream | chillies
A, C, G, O

Latini Spezial Burger € 13,80
100 % Austrian beef | tomato | leaf salad | onions | gherkin | burger – bread | delicious burger sauce | small selection of salad
A, C, G, N

Pizza homemade

Pizza Margarita € 8,20
Crispy pizza | tomatoes | cheese | oregano
A, G

Pizza Salami € 9,20
Crispy pizza | tomatoes | cheese | salami | oregano
A, G

Pizza Funghi € 9,20
Crispy pizza | tomatoes | cheese | mushrooms | oregano
A, G

Pizza Rucola  €  9,20
Crispy pizza | tomatoes | cheese | rocket | Parmesan | oregano
A, G

Pizza Hawaii € 9,80
Crispy pizza | tomatoes | cheese | ham | pineapple | oregano
A,  G

Pizza Vegetarian € 9,80
Crispy pizza | tomatoes | cheese | fresh vegetables | oregano
A, G,

Pizza Napolitana € 9,80
Crispy pizza | tomatoes | cheese | anchocies | capers | olives | oregano
A, G

Pizza Prosciutto € 10,40
Crispy pizza | tomatoes | cheese | Prosciutto | oregano
A, G

Pizza Capricciosa € 10,20
Crispy pizza | tomatoes | cheese | ham | artichoke | mushrooms | olives | oregano
A, G

Pizza al Tonno € 9,90
Crispy pizza | tomatoes | cheese | tuna | onions | oregano
A, D, G

Pizza Diavolo (scharf) € 9,90
Crispy pizza | tomatoes | cheese | salami | ham | garlic | chillies | onion | oregano
A, G

Pizza Prosciutto e Funghi € 10,60
Crispy pizza | tomatoes | cheese | Prosciutto | mushrooms | oregano
A, G

Pizza Quattro Formaggi € 9,90
Crispy pizza | tomatoes | four different cheeses | herbs
A, G

Hauspizza Papa Rudolfo € 10,90
Crispy pizza | tomatoes | cheese | salami | ham | bacon | chillies | garlic
A, G

extra ingredients each € 0,80

all prices include VAT

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